28 Aug 2020

How to memorize 7 state ministers of Nepal ?

Nepal is divided into 7 provinces and 77 districts. 


To develop country equally from all the side’s government of Nepal divided the country in it.


 Before the division of the country, there are 75 districts 14 zones and 5 development region.


The constitution of Nepal 2072 declared our country as a federal democratic country and the government develop a new system.


The government of Nepal divides its power from the central level to the operating level. 


It gives power to provinces and other local governments.


In Nepal, there are seven provinces. 


In the central level of Nepal government, it has its own legislature and executive and supreme court for the judiciary.


Similarly, there is separate legislative, executive, and judiciary for the province state. 


State minister will be head of state.


 In this article, I will give full information about the biography of seven state minister of Nepal.


There is each minster in each state. Every state is controlled by state minister.


Here is the list of 7 ministers of each state.  

Ø Province no. 1: Sher Dhan Rai


Ø Province no. 2: Muhammat Lal Babu Raut


Ø Bagmati Pradesh (Province no. 3): Dormani poudel


Ø Gandaki Pradesh (Province no. 4): Prithivi Subba Gurung


Ø Province no. 5: Sankar Mani Pokhreal


Ø Karnali Pradesh (Province no. 6): Mahendra Bahadur Sahi

Ø Sudur Paschim Pradesh (Province no. 7): Trilochan Bhatta

You can also watch this video to get knowledge about the state minister.

1.  Sher Dhan Rai:  He is the state minister of province no 1. He was born on 23rd February 1971 AD. He was elected from CPN (UML) on 9th February 2018. He was born in pasal bangyang  thidinkgkh of bhojpur district. His father and mother is a farmer. He used to pass his early life by helping his father and mother in farming. his father's name is Jagir Man Rai and His mother's name is Ramree Maya Rai. He is a single     son. He was postgraduate on sociology from Tribhuwan University 


2.      Mommahat Lal Babu Raut: He is the present chief minister of province no 2. He is known as Lal Babu Raut. He was the political leader of the Federal Socialist Forum Nepal.  He is the first Muslim person who becomes chief minister of Nepal. He was born in 29th June 1966 ADHe was born in Jagarnathpur of Siraha district of Nepal. Before he was elected into the parliamentary leader he works as a teacher in Thakur ram campus of Birjung. His working time for being a chief minister is only for 5 years.

3.  Dormani poudel: he is the state minister of province no 2. he was born in pharping of Kathmandu district in March 28th 1946. He was political leader of CPN (UMl) from Bagmati province. His father’s name is Maya Nath Poudel and his mother’s name is Kul kumara Poudel.Their family migrate to Hetauda from pharping of Kathmandu district. He was elected in parliamentary party leader in 19th February 2018. Previously he becomes mayor of Hetauda municipality for 13 year 1992 to 2005


4.       Prithivi Subba Gurung : He is the present state minister of province no 4. He was selected as a parliamentary leader in 11th February 2018. He was born in 13th February 1958 in gailung of Lamjung district presently known as KwhlosotharHis father name is ganga pd gurung. He was elected through CPN (UML) party. He passed his master of degree in science from Amrit science campus of Kathmandu district.


5.    Sankar Mani Pokhreal: he is the present state minister of province no 5. he was born in 1963 February 27 in tulasipur of Dang district.   He was elected as parliamentary leader from CPN (UML)His wife name is Sujata Shakhya.His father’s name is Keshab Raj Sharma and his mother name is Tilka devi Pokhreal. He is the youngest son of his family. He receives widespread critics’ from Madhesi community by saying dark skin.


6.    Mahendra Bahadur sahi: He is the present state minister of province no 6. He was born in 1977 january 28th in Pachal Jharana of Kalikot district of Karnali zone. it is the province of western Nepal. He becomes minister of energy before be becomes state minister.His father’s name is Lal Bahadur Sahi and his mother name is Ran Kauda Sahi. He was elected as parliamentary leader in 14th February 2018. He becomes chief minister of province no 6 in 17th February 2018.


7.    Trilochan Bhatta: He is the present state minister of Sudur Paschim Pradesh. He was born in 1969 may 20th in Phaledi presently known as K. I. Singh Rural Municipality of Doti district.His father’s name is Prassad Bhatta and his mother’s name is Sarada Bhatta. He elected as a parliamentary leader from CPN (UML). He was appointed as a chief minister in17 February 2018.

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