6 Sept 2020

Kulman Ghising,Reappointation, and case study on NEA

kulman Ghising
Bright Nepal has been possible today. Otherwise, it won’t happen. 
We knew that the people of Nepal used candles, diyos, tube light, firewood for the past 4 years. 
Most used inverters, generators, solar panels for electricity generation, and storage. 

Everything changed when Kulman arrived. 

We don’t know where the candles, tube lights, torches are today.

 When someone says that he/she uses torch tube light instead of having the facility of electricity we feel that it’s a story. 

Imagine the bribery of Mukesh Kafle done in the past years, the problem of load shedding faced by Nepalese, and the brightness brought by Kulman Ghising in the past 2 years. 

Now the question is will Kulman Ghising reappoint again in the post of Managing Director? 

In this article, we are going to discuss these topics.

The ways of doing corruption have many doors. Corruption is done among the combination of institutions and staff.

 Here how they {Mukesh Kafle and NEA staffs} setup is a question. 

They made load shedding in Nepal for 18 hours and told Nepalese that electricity production is very low. 

 They sold electricity to industries to run the electrical appliances in industries and to receive a satisfactory amount. 

This means there was a problem of load shedding around the country and to receive the commission the produced electricity is sold to consumer industries and factories.

 From there NEA (Nepal Electricity Authority) staff received much amount of from the industrialists and captured commission.

 Without any proof, we cannot say you that they bribed but with solid evidence, 

they are caught corrupted here is the proof of the corruption done by Mukesh Kafle.

In 2014, winter Nepalese were facing load shedding obstacles’ from one side while on the other side NEA was selling electricity to cement factories cotton mills, and steel manufacturers without any pause. 

The leader was Mukesh Kafle. Kafle sold 50MW electricity to reliance spinning mill. 

The letter written by the company to MD is still alive which we represented you just above. 

Read the full letter. In the letter, it is said that 24-hour nonstop electricity has come to the factory provided by the managing director. 

Likewise, he sold electricity to 
Triveni Spinning Mill, 
Hulas Steel, 
Shivam cement, 
Sarbotam Cement, 
6 jute mills of Biratnagar, 
and many more. 

Analytically you can see the lists who received 24 hours of electricity. 

Some newspapers also published that Mukesh Kafle bribed.
 It is said that Kafle learned this technique from his former managing director.

At that time the electricity cost Rs 7 
while the diesel engine cost Rs 29
which was 4 times expensive than electricity.

 Imagine factories and industries try to run at a low cost.

 They want to save a lot of money. So, they try to invest less and receive more benefits and more money.

 So, in this case, they used electricity instead of using expensive diesel. 

They saved much amount of money especially traders and owners gain much more volume of profit. 

The industrialists fulfilled the pocket of officials of NEA and created 18 hours of load shedding in the country. 

Before Kafle corruption was more in Nepal. It’s worth talking more about this issue. 

After that newly-appointed prime minister of Nepal Puspa Kamal Dahal nominated Janardhan Sharma Pravakar has a new energy minister. 

During the tenure of KP Sharma Oli, Mukesh Kafle was the MD of Nepal Electricity Authority.

 Now Nepal was in search of such a person who can lead the NEA Board to a Bright age. 

Then there arrived the man named Kulman Ghising. 

Top leaders were attracted by the work of Kulman Ghising on Chilime Hydroelectricity projects.

and they decided to appoint him as a managing director of Nepal Electricity Authority. 

When Kulman arrived everything got changed.

Because of his honesty and intelligence towards the work he won the hearts of 30 million Nepalese. 

But, how he lifted dark Nepal into a bright one in just 2 years.

We researched this topic and if you know about his works, you will salute him.

Kulman Ghising was born in 1970 November 25 on Bethan of Ramechap district. 

His academic qualification is also strong. He had done a 

Bachelor of Science from the Regional Institute of Management, 

Masters from Pulchowk Engineering Campus, 

and an MBA from Ace Institute of Management. 

Ghising had been contacting with NEA since old-time and had collected experience of about 22 to 25 years. 

He brightens Nepal after entering as a Managing Director of Nepal Electricity Authority in 2016. 

He worked as a chief of the Rahughat Hydroelectricity Project and MD of the Chilime Hydropower project. 

He Surprised Nepal by kicking out load shedding of Nepal. 

The country which used to face 18 hours of load shedding, 

today does not face even 18 minutes of load shedding. 

Nepal was called
 “No Electricity Produced Always Load shedding” 
but he removed this title. 

The days which Nepalese used to buy kerosene diesel from market tube lights to study by students and the darkness faced inside the kitchen by women have overcome. 

Today he changed this into buying of 

100w bulbs 
and high quality led bulbs, 
days to cook food in the rice cooker 
instead of ovens. 

He did a very praising work that the NEA was bearing 9 billion losses in the previous year. 

Kulman Suddenly changed into a 1.5 billion profit-earning company. 

Everybody clapped on this success on Kulman Ghising.

Kulman Ghising produced about 1400 MW electricity which is a very high amount of production in Nepal ever. 

Before that only 800MW electricity was produced. 

In his direction, nearly 90% of the electricity was supplied to the public.

 Additional 1.8 million customers increased. He increased the people in the country to use more electricity. 

Another tactical work is done by Kulman Ghising is he reopened paused projects.

Those projects which were closed are reopened by Ghising. 

The political instability of Nepal obstructs important projects and cannot be successful. 

Yes, the projects which wanted to happen have become possible only because of Kulman Ghising. 

He increased electric wires and circuits whole over the countries. 

He directed his employee’s workers and laborers’ to distribute wire throughout the country. 

Even he also added more thousand substations 

Kulman Ghising's leadership is a high level when Nepalese were celebrating the festival of light (Tihar) 

Ghising was managing electricity instead of having fun with his family and with the festival.

 He managed the flow of electricity e.g. the place having high electricity; 

the electricity is transferred to the place having low electricity. 

Nobody felt the lack of electricity during the festival. 

Kulman Ghising completes his duty very cleverly and clearly. 

He works in the office from 8 am to 8 pm

Kulman Ghising started the projects undergrounding the wire in Kathmandu valley. 

The projects were inaugurated by KP Sharma Oli. 

He started the smart meter implementation. From this process, online payment can be done and many more facilities can be done.

He contracted with the private sectors for hydroelectricity production and the welfare of Nepalese. 

He wants more consumption of electricity from Nepalese

In previous notices, it is said that electricity consumption should be less and more preserved. 

Before sleeping, it was said to switch off the lights and other electric appliances to reduce electric consumption, 

today Kulman Ghising said to consume more electricity.

 The Nepalese never had thought this day some districts are now electricity announced districts. 

He started with the Moto “Nepalko Pani Janatako Lagani” which means Nepal citizens can invest money to produce electricity. 

Entering into many places districts provinces.

He noticed how the project is going on and he made successfully.

Kulman Ghising controlled the misuse of electricity and he made suitable management on meter reading and other electric appliances. 

He reduces 25.78% to 15.32 percent. 

In the rainy season of Nepal, Nepal produces a large volume of electricity which is more than needed in this case,
Nepal sells electricity to India, similarly, in the winter season the production of electricity becomes less and Nepal purchases electricity from India.

Kulman Ghising converted regional offices into provincial offices for the faster and smooth running of projects there are many projects of him which he still wants to complete. 

Some of his projects are given below.

So, because of this praisable works, he is popular among Nepalese. 

Kulman Ghising is an important person to us in Nepal. 

Cool man founder of bright Nepal pole of electricity is some of the titles which are awarded to Kulman Ghising. 

Some awards which he received are

  1. Supraval Janasewa Shri
  2.  The best manager from the CEO club
  3. The best manager from the Nepal chamber of commerce and many more 
  4.  The best manager from the Nepal chamber of commerce and many more

The best manager from the Nepal chamber of commerce and many more.

Some places in his name are 
  1. Kankai municipality-4 of Jhapa 
  2. Chowk of Bethan of Ramechhap
After all these changes there created criticisms. 

It’s Nepal good people and a good personality cannot retain longer. 

When Nepal was full of electricity then traders and owners created violence regarding inverters, solar panel, generators, uselessness now the use of these products were worth.

Nobody knows how much the cobwebs are filled by spiders on these appliances. 

Analytically in 2015 Nepal bears a 3.26 billion loss I diesel generator and 2.1 billion in the solar panel in this fiscal year Nepal bears a 2.1 billion loss in diesel and 2.9 billion in solar. 

Now we say it’s wort to import diesel solar from India in Nepal.

Now the only question left is will Kulman Ghising reappoint again as managing director of the Nepal electricity authority of Nepal.
It’s a big question will the tenure of Ghising be added.

Some medias leaked the news that he has reappointed again Dipak raj Giri also congratulated Kulman Ghising for another four years but officially there is no conclusion on the reappoint of Kulman Ghising. 

Maybe the days which Nepalese faced in 2016 is going to happen again when Kulman Ghising leaves his post. 

we want Kulman Ghising to reappoint again and complete his unsuccessful and postponed projects.

 We must respect these personalities this man has the dark Nepal to convert into brightening Nepal the dream has been converted into reality only because of this man

So for this tribute to Kulman Ghising, we salute him the only desire of ours is the more tenure ship of Kulman Ghising as the managing director of Nepal may he still drag Nepal on the way of progress.

Is the reappoint of Kulman Ghising for Nepal is necessary or not? 

What can be the reasons if he does not appear as MD of NEA for the next 4 years?


 is there the possibility Ghising reappoint again? 

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